Laatste Nieuws
ECHA nIeuws 5-03-25
Klik op de artikels om op de hoogte te blijven van de laatste ontwikkelingen bij ECHA over volgende onderwerpen:
Highlights from February BPC meeting
- New proposals to identify substances of very high concern
- Substance evaluation decisions soon sent to registrants
Consultations on harmonised classification and labelling
We are looking for comments on the harmonised classification and labelling proposal for:
- trimagnesium diphosphide; magnesium phosphide (EC 235-023-7, CAS 12057-74-8); and
- aluminium phosphide (EC 244-088-0, CAS 20859-73-8).
Workshop to discuss results of enforcement project on safety data sheets
We will host a stakeholder workshop on 2 April 2025 to present the results and recommendations of the REF-11 enforcement project on safety data sheets.
Court judgments:
Appeal against General Court judgment on a compliance check decision dismissed
EU Observatory for Nanomaterials:
EUON website update: new content and translations
The content on the nanomaterials in cosmetics page has been updated with the latest information.
In addition, the following pages are now available in all 23 official EU languages: