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ECHA nIeuws 18-12-24


Klik op de artikels om op de hoogte te blijven van de laatste ontwikkelingen bij ECHA over volgende onderwerpen:


Compliance of safety data sheets - still room for improvement

Revised rules for classification, labelling and packaging enter into force

Substances containing benzene dominate exports and imports of hazardous chemicals




Waste Framework Directive:

Tips for preparing simplified SCIP notifications

Occupational exposure limits:


Batteries Regulation:

Second workshop on battery materials

On 28-29 October 2024, we hosted the second workshop of Eurometaux's Exchange & Capacity-building Group on Battery Materials (ECaBaM). The final report from the workshop is now published on Eurometaux's REACH Metals portal.

European Commission's decisions:

Decisions on biocidal active substances and Union authorisations

The Commission has approved an existing active substance:

  • reaction products of boric acid with didecylamine and ethylene oxide (polymeric betaine) for product-type 9

EU Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON):

New report evaluates performance of EUON

Nanopinion: Ensuring safe and sustainable material innovation through advanced materials

Board of Appeal:

Revised web pages and search tools launched


Protecting workers from carcinogens


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