ECHA nIeuws 4-07-24
Klik op de artikels om op de hoogte te blijven van de laatste ontwikkelingen bij ECHA over volgende onderwerpen:
The next ECHA weekly will be issued in mid-August 2024.
- ECHA CHEM updated to latest IUCLID formats
We have currently ongoing several consultations on:
Assessment of regulatory needs report published
Report for the following substance group is now available on our website:
Glycerol ethers - How to include sustainability aspects on substitution in analysis of alternatives and socio-economic analysis
- European Commission updates REACH Restrictions Roadmap
- European Commission decisions on applications for authorisation
New proposal to harmonised classification and labelling
A proposal has been submitted for:
- propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate (EC 202-307-7, CAS 94-13-3)
Guidance on water treatment starts applying in April 2026
EU Chemicals Legislation Finder (EUCLEF):
Check the latest updates in EUCLEF
EU Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON):
Deadline Extended: Answer the Survey about EUON
We are conducting an evaluation on the functioning of the European Union Observatory for Nanomaterials (EUON).
Have your say until 11 July
REACH Committee meeting in July – draft agenda available
The next meeting of the European Commission's REACH Committee will take place on 11 July 2024.