ECHA nIeuws 30-05-24
Klik op de artikels om op de hoogte te blijven van de laatste ontwikkelingen bij ECHA over volgende onderwerpen:
Combined consultations on candidates for substitution and derogation to exclusion criteria
We have launched biocides consultations on:
- Chlorophacinone (EC 223-003-0, CAS 3691-35-8, PT 14)
- Coumatetralyl (EC 227-424-0, CAS 5836-29-3, PT 14)
- Brodifacoum (EC 259-980-5, CAS 56073-10-0, PT 14)
- Flocoumafen (EC 421-960-0, CAS 90035-08-8, PT 14)
- Bromadiolone (EC 249-205-9, CAS 28772-56-7, PT 14)
- Difenacoum (EC 259-978-4, CAS 56073-07-5, PT 14)
- Difethialone (EC 600-594-7, CAS 104653-34-1, PT 14)
- Alpha-bromadiolone (EC -, CAS-, PT 14)
- Polyvinylpyrrolidone iodine (EC-, CAS 25655-41-8, PT 1 and 3)
- Iodine (EC 231-442-4, CAS 7553-56-2, PT 3)
Screening report published for 1,2-dichloroethane
Consultation on harmonised classification and labelling
We are looking for comments on the harmonised classification and labelling (CLH) proposal for:
dodine (ISO); dodecylguanidinium acetate (EC 219-459-5, CAS 2439-10-3). - New proposal to harmonise classification and labelling
Conclusions published from stakeholder workshop on enforcing consumer products
IT Tools:
New IUCLID format package and updated manual for C&L notifications
Board of Appeal:
Appeal against a follow-up compliance check decision dismissed